We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams . . .
yet we are the movers and shakers of the world forever, it seems

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Cut

Welcome to Archie's Baek-il! We had the Wilsons, Emily and Jason, Larry and Yoon, and Rowan and Maric over to help us celebrate. We ordered some yummy pizza (not very Korean, but easy), had some cookies and Korean rice cake. Here are some pictures of our adventures. This first picture was taken by me, the rest were by the resident photographer, Jason Natzke! Thanks Jason (and Heather for being the videographer!)

Archie BEFORE:
He looks suspicious...like he knows something's about to go down.
You can't really tell in these pictures, but his hair looks almost red sometimes....sigh...

Archie DURING:

We thought about leaving it like this; nice and patchy, but Archie didn't take to well to this idea, you can see his reaction in this next picture:
Archie AFTER:
He says so much with his facial expression, I don't even have to comment of his after shots!
He's hoping the string of drool will distract from the shiny noggin.

This is our attempt at a self-timed family picture. That slight blur you see on the left side is me trying to sneak in. Didn't work.
So we did it this way! Thanks photographer Elliott!
That's the event!

In a side note... I thought it was so funny how different Archie can look depending on how gravity is pulling on his cheeks! Here is an example:
They don't even look like the same baby! LOVE THIS LITTLE MAN!


Johnson Family said...

how cute!! And I loved the gravity portion. I think this concept is true of all of us in pictures! Depending on the angle/gravity is how many chins I get during a photo. He he he
Miss your kiddos!!! Hope back to school time goes well for you!
Love, Aunt Christa

Jeremy and Ruth said...

hahahaha GREAT!!! I loved it!!! I love the blurry bonnie, and the crazy morphing archy (morphing in to a different face) and I love the silly faces he makes! :) LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun family tradition! Thank you for photo journaling for us.
Mom and Dad